Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a big OOPS moment!! I have forgotten that I have a blog. So, spank me!! ;p I've been REALLY busy in the last one month with my final year project. To say I toiled over it relentlessly is an overstatement. Procrastination has again reared its ugly head. Originally, I have wanted to change topic but my lecturer would not let me. Now, the very same topic is literally bringing me down. Why, oh why, do I have to choose this topic while everyone else in my class is doing common applications like DVD rental system, Hotel Reservation System and etc. It's finally over today with a presentation of my project. However, I felt like I came short. I thought the system I have developed is sufficiently efficient when in fact it's not. The documentation I have prepared along with it doesn't quite match with what I have been able to prepare before. I have always take pride in my somewhat average writing skills. Somehow, it has let me down. Doing a topic which is extremely riddled with complicated variables, I began doing my project a month before the due date. I should have started months ago. I blamed my sorry ass for believing I can actually do it in time.

My project presentation was a bummer. Instead of me excelling in answering questions spouting from the mouths of the lecturers, I mumbled nervously as I tried really hard to come up with intelligent answers while at the same trying hard NOT to project a "blur" expression on my face. I'm SCREWED big time. This incident has definitely made me question whether the field of IT is indeed for me??!! I'm not good at solving problems and I f***ing hate programming. I chose IT because I thought I have what it takes to make it. I guess I don't have what it takes. I spent three years studying for this degree. I just hope I will get a pass if not better. I'm scared to think whether I can make it. I'm SO f***ed!!!


At 7:59 PM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

hmm someone studying something he is not passionate about. Same goes to me. If I can have it all over again. I would do architecture. ;) I love building TALL things... hhehe

At 7:53 AM, Blogger drownedglass said...


Now that we got that over with... hey, on the brighter side of things, it's already over so don't beat yourself up over it. Wait for the results then you'll know for sure whether or not you're f***ed :P

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Musang said...

you were not fucked up.

not yet actually. you can't be fucked up over one final year project that didn't come out good. hmmm... not that fucked up. at least you know that your project need more time and more research.

naaah... not fucked up yet...

At 9:54 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Ca va pas la tete: I just went with what's in at the time without giving it much thought. I think I have to make do with what I have chosen then. Architecture is something I wont consider though. But, erecting TALL things do sounds kinda sexy. ;p

Drowned star: Ooh, thanks for the spanking, WS. Kinda need that. Hehe! The waiting is killing me at the moment.

Musang: Not YET! But, only time will tell. And that's what scares me the most. ;p


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