Monday, February 27, 2006

Weighty Issues Part 1

OMG, guys ! I went through some trials and errors in my quest to lose weight. Everyone has their very own techniques to lose weight and build muscles. The hardest thing is finding the right techniques which suits YOU and ONLY you. I'm still trying to correct and undo the mistakes I've made. I'm not sure whether I'm the right person to give out tips.

The biggest mistake I've made is focusing too much on cardio, thus forgetting the most important requirement of all, building muscles. A proportionate body usually has just the right amount of lean muscles and a low percentage of body fat. As a result, I'm not as toned as I wanna be but I am slimmer than I've ever been in my life. I also made mistakes in terms of proper nutrition as I could not afford stuff like protein powders. I just go and eat what I thought to be a good post-workout meal like scrambled eggs with salads, a sandwich and such. In fact, I found out there is this correlation between the amount of carbs and protein you should eat BEFORE and AFTER your workout. As for my eating habits, I make a conscious effort to determine what's healthier and what's not. I won't deny myself that ice cream or a piece of sinfully delicious chocolate cake. If I ate one, then the next day, I would eat clean by eating more veggies and fruits. It's all about balance. One thing that works for ME is reducing the amount of simple carbs I take. I don't eat white rice on a regular basis anymore, considering all malay food is eaten with rice, it can be hard. ;p Instead, I choose to eat more complex carbs like brown rice, oats, whole wheat bread, veggies, fruits which will help me feel full longer.

My workout was divided in two parts. It's in the past tense because it has been four to five months since I last go to the gym as my study load is getting heavier by the day. I just found myself too tired to go to the gym. Now, I just walk and take the stairs whenever I could. At home, I do light exercises like push-ups. I used to work my upper, lower body and abs exercises on separate days, three times a week. I finished it off with a 30-min cardio.

I hope that helps. By giving you an insight to my weight lose campaign, you should know that it is all about figuring out what WORKS FOR YOU. I can honestly say this though. I may look good in clothes. But I still need a bit of work if I wanna look good naked. How's that for an honest confession. LOL !!

"I look so good naked, don't I ?!!" ;p
Courtesy of Male and Beautiful


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Musang said...

oh my god... that is one good picture... LOL. and i'm one big slut. hahahahak.

anyway, you go girl, shape that body darling. and shake that booty.

all the best.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger asm@di said...

i want that guy!!!

am in the same quest to lose weight, altho currently am stuck at X5kg. tertekan! well, time to do bodypump i supposed.

At 5:32 AM, Blogger Mr RM said...

i look good in clothes, but not without clothes.... hee hee

At 6:53 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Glad you like the pic, musang. But, damn, my butt is always the last part of my body to lose fat. I'll definitely shake my big booty, alright. LOL !

Don't you just love him, asmadi?! Just the right amount of body hair. *drool* And, it's not nice to keep people guessing, you know. :D

Making love with the lights on is SO not for me, Kitjar. Hahahaha !!! *ROTFL*

At 5:04 AM, Blogger savante said...

Hey, bet you look pretty fine now, darlin.

Why make love with the lights off? Just place some candles, some flattering incandescent lamps...


At 5:15 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Thanks, Paul. But, I wanna look good naked !!!! with a spotlight on me. LOL !

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

Good luck with your weight loss program. (And thanks for the hot pic.)
Bandit Talks

At 11:15 PM, Blogger canardbidon said...

sex with the spotlight on? ;)

i always like it with the lights off... candles are a fire hazard, might go up in the heat of the moment.......

don't like the guy in the pic!!! too 'were-wolfy' for me..

i lost a couple of pounds this week just being ill :(

At 8:11 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Thanks, bear_cave!

Hey, Rick. Your welcome.

Canard, he's too were-wolfy to you, huh?!! I'll look for pics of guys who are smooth as a baby's bottom just for you. ;p Guys with the right amount of hairiness usually turns me on. Hope you feel better soon. :D


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