Thursday, March 30, 2006

Is There a Best Way??!

Love and commitment. Two words that are mutually exclusive, don't you think so? Unless, you are in an open relationship. Like Brian and Justin in Queer As Folk. boyfriend wants to have an open relationship where he's free to shag other guys, I think I'm just not sure I'm comfortable with the idea. Though, it is because I'd like to think we, asians are more perceptible to the idea of a monogomous relatonship. It would, however, be different if I were to have a girlfriend. Then, I would be expected to be a one-woman man. Errm, I would like to think that I am. I'm getting ahead of myself here since I have not yet decided on whether I want to pursue a gay relationship or a straight one. But, what the heck! It doen't hurt to give these matter some thoughts, right?!! ;p

The other day, my friend, Z, asked me why N, would not accept him as a boyfriend. He asked me to provide some insight on the reason why, since N is one of my close female friends. He argued that I should know the reason since I'm close to her. Well, I can't rebut that. Besides, she treats me like a brother and thinks I'm cute when I was fat. LOL! Now, she thinks I'm not cute anymore since I lost the chubby cheeks which are now replaced with a moderately defined jawline. Anyway, after much deliberation, there's only one reason I can think of saying without hurting his feelings. That is, Z, is not the type of guy N likes as a boyfriend and that the traits N is looking for in a boyfriend was absence in Z. Wouldn't you give the same reason??! Hehe! I said it in the nicest possible way. He seemed affected at first but quickly recovered his composure. I left it at that. I felt really bad. N and I had lunch last week, when I asked her directly why she won't consider Z as boyfriend material. It looks like, the reason I gave to Z was not far off. She reasoned that she could only think of Z as a friend because that was their how their friendship began. She totally diminished the notion that a friendship can evolve into something more.

Seriously, to me, there are basically two ways of getting a boyfriend/girlfriend. First, if you're interested in a guy/girl, you would go out of your way in trying to get to know him/her such as name, likes/dislikes and etc. Of course, you would have to tell him/her, you want to make him/her your boyfriend/girlfriend. That is established in the very beginning. So, there are no mixed message. Secondly, the courting is done through friendship. It may not begin that way and you may be oblivious at first. You may not have the intention of making him/her your boyfriend/girlfriend. But, along the way, things can change and feelings developed. Then, the question will come to whether the friendship can survive if the relationship does not work. Whew! Get what I mean?! I'm wondering, is there such a thing as which one is the best way?? Or, I'm simply too naive?


At 1:20 AM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

I feel that you cant really say for sure which is which and how to cross over the two relations!

At 1:32 AM, Blogger savante said...

Whoa. I thought the same myself yesterday!


At 1:52 AM, Blogger asm@di said...

i think in gay relationship there's an extra step involved: is the person you fancy gay or straight?

i don't think my crush is gay tho :(

At 3:50 AM, Blogger drownedglass said...

Honestly, whatever made you think Asians are more monogamous when every other monarch in Asia's ancient history kept a harem?

Anyway, as to which way is better, no one can say for sure. Different things work for different people I guess. Friendships can survive relationships, but just like everything else, it takes work. And sincerity. If your friendship has been very strong, it's not going to be easy to break that bond anyway.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Derek said...

Hi there

Haven't been visiting for some time.

I agree with you in the last paragraph. When CF and I started to go, we were friends. We went for movies, dinner, etc. Then later, the feelings developed. His began first.

Only after we have started a relationship that my feelings towards him grow stronger and that I realise and appreciate how wonderful he is.

Good post!

At 1:31 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Ca va pas la tete: I wish there's a rule book for this kinda things. ;p

Paul: Your entry "Crouching Sluts, Hidden Diamonds" really decsribed my apprehension with gay relationships. You couldn't have put it better. :D

Asm@di: Hhmm, you know what?! I've heard it's easier for a straight man to turned gay than the other way around. So, maybe you can turn him. LOL!

WeeShiong: I don't know. It's just that it's in the way we are brought up, our cultural beliefs, I guess. I have to say, monarchs in Asia are very different. They particularly get married to produce a male heir. If the wife can't, they remarried or keep concubines. So, there. ;p

Derek: *blush* Thanks. You guys are definitely a perfect example where a gay relationship can work.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Musang said...

hmmm. i started off as friends with all my previous boyfriends. which i don't know if they had their homework done and learn a bit or two about me before asking me to be their special.

i'm pretty much traditional in this game. i'll let the dominant male make the first move. unless he's a total hottie. then i'll make the first move myself.

At 8:41 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Musang: Well, NO ONE has ever made a move on me and I'm too much a coward to make the 1st move. No wonder I'm still a virgin. LOL!!! *blush*

At 5:37 AM, Blogger Mr RM said...


I still have your same feelings lar.... maybe being a rainbowlander is not such a good idea after all.....


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