Monday, February 06, 2006

Musical Journey

*warning* Long post ! I'm not sure whether I can do this again soon. It took so much of me, since my command of English is just average. ;-p

Watching the 20th Anugerah Juara Lagu 2006 last night made me look back at what kind of music I used to listen to. I've never been much of a supporter to our local music industry. But I do keep myself aware of what's goin on. I used to be into our local artistes and buy their albums. If I can recall, the first album I bought was Ning Baizura's debut album. Back then, she was the "IT" girl. She, the girl with BIG voice. This was in the early 1990s. From then on, I bought albums from the likes of Amy Mastura, Ella, and Feminin, the first local all-girl vocal group. *hides away, embarassed*

D'Angelo performed nude in his video, "Untitled (How Does It Feel)". Damn, what a fine man he is !
Courtesy of mostbeautifulman

See the trend there ?? All female artistes. Does that make me gay or what ?!! There never was any male local artistes I like at the time. Basically, I was totally closed off from the foreign music scenes. I can just imagined it. Lil' ol me, singing along to Ning Baizura. Hehe ! At present, I'm proud to admit they are male artiste which I found to be totally cool. Artistes like Maxwell, Eric Benet, D'Angelo, The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, Coldplay are some of them. I was exposed to the foreign music scene soon after that. Buying new albums to whet my thirst for music was a rare occasion. I used to wait for Hari Raya and get my green packets to buy them. Or sometimes, ask from my parents to give me a treat. If not, I would save up my allowance money. What else can you do when you're 13, 14 years old ?! Believe me, when I say, I went on a shopping frenzy. Buying two or three albums at one go. My first non-local album I bought was of Celine Dion's. I know, I know. *cringe*. My young brain was saying to me, she is amazing. The way she hits all the high notes. You know, you can trust her to give it all she's got. The power, the emotion, who can't deny that ?! She is one of the best-selling female artiste of all time. Celine Dion is definitely an acquired taste. Either you love her or you don't. I moved on to other DIVAs in the foreign music industry, of course. Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and such. Naturally, my journey through the many genre of music started at pop. Slowly, I begun experimenting with other genres. Jazz, rock, classical, new age, dance, alternative, RnB (my favourite) and the many branches of it like neo-soul, motown etc. The genre I never got into is rap. I can't seem to grasp the hip-hop culture. The music is certainly catchy. That alone is not enough to warrant me with a repeat listen.

The next phase I went through was Bollywood. All those Hindi songs from musicals, Bollywood has become known for. With Bollywood musicals, you get beautiful imageries and sceneries to go along with the music. Not to mention, the melodrama, the heartache and the dance sequences. As cheesy and tacky as it is, Bollywood musicals represents the fantasy that sometimes all we wanna do is to just break into songs. Wouldn't it be great ?? LOL !

Then, I got hooked on music from Japanese/Korean artistes. As I don't understand a single word of the songs, I took in the varied musical stylings in their songs. I was curious to see they are so many pretty looking male artistes from Japan/Korea. Their perception of male beauty is definitely different than ours or even our western counterparts. This is not the reason I got hooked on their music though. ;-p

Nowadays, most of all, I listen to music I won't get bored later. Many mainstream music depend on the appeal that probably last until the artistes get to the top of the charts. I do not deny listening to them. It's just that I need something more. That's why I started listening to artistes that don't usually get much airtime on our local radio stations. I've read so many gay-themed blogs to know how music played a big part in their lives. So, it made me wonder, can your musical preferences becomes a way of telling whether you're gay or straight ??


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Mr RM said...

I NEVER had the time to listen to music, except for driving and working out in the gym!

Maybe, I am a B O R I N G person. The only music that I listen these days are Thai Pop and Thai Luk Tong (country music).

When I first started driving in Form Six, the only music I had on my cassette player and later CD player were Buddhist Chants in Thai, Chinese, Sanskrit and Tibetan....

I doubt music makes one gay ... hee hee

At 12:01 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Kitjar: You're NOT a boring person. I think you have a VERY specific taste in music. Unlike me, I want to experience it all. Sometimes, it can become a tad overwhelming. ;-p

At 9:49 PM, Blogger asm@di said...


i really, really listened to malay songs when i was what? 10,11? since then it has always been english songs, sprinkled with a tiny tiny bit of malay, spanish, japanese.

genre: pop to top-40 hits during high school to a brief alternative rock phase in college to whatever music in uni. now it's jazz and folkish type of music sprinkled with some pop. additionally let me just add that i hardly listen to radio these days so i may sound a bit out of touch with music.

At 10:19 PM, Blogger savante said...

Aiyo, apa macam music ini :)


At 1:19 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Asmadi: Who's been listening to the radio anyway, right ?!!! MP3s is the way to go. ;-p

Paul: Oh, Paul ! Janganlah malu-malu, show me the cool doctor that you are. I know you listen to some music when you're in the operating room. I can imagined you listening to some sexy tunes to lure the shaggable BBB !! Hehe.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger aiskrem_potong said...

i am SOOO much like you bro!mmg prefer dgr lagu pompuan. i bought celine dion's first 4 albums before i realised that it's quite a plu thing to do. so i had to stop la (tak nak pecah lobang kan..). but i grew up listening / buying english albums until i was like 20. at that time there was this mslay singer (her name is nur fatimah) whom i think cansing really well. so i bought her cd (and broke my 20 yr tradition). it exceeded my expectation. since then, i felt that i should give the local music industry the attention it deserves. i have a new rule now - local albums - original, mat salleh - cetak rompak.. just my effort to equalise the distribution of wealth a little ;P

At 1:48 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

aiskrem_potong: Well, you know what they say about having something in common ?!! *wink* I've heard of Nur Fatimah before. She is this RnB singer just like Dayang Nurfaizah except she's not getting the attention she deserved, though. I wanna say I buy local albums now, but honestly I don't. I'm a bad boy !! ;-p I don't buy mat salleh pun nowadays. Went through a bad experience beli CDs cetak rompak mat salleh. They sometimes can't play on a CD player or a PC. I prefer dloading them. *insert an evil laugh here* LOL !


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