Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Gosh, a full two weeks without a post!! For some reason, I was totally uninspired. As much I want to write about what happening daily in my life, I can't. Nothing ever really happened. My everyday routine is very mundane and boring. Everyday is the same old monotonous routine. Basically, my day starts with taking a tall glass of water when I wake up (I heard it's a good way to cleanse your body's internal functions and give it a jolt to get ready for a new day), take a shower, eat breakfast, go to classes, have lunch with friends, go to classes again, go home, watch TV (which takes more of my time than I can readily admit. ;p), have dinner, do some school work and finally, sleep. So not worth writing about it. I don't think you want to hear the same things being said over and over again. I guess, that IS my challenge. To break the repetitive motions I went through daily. I really need to be spontaneous.

"I like to remain hidden in the bushes, while I gaze at you with my smouldering look"
Courtesy of Cisoto

Somehow, I wonder whether it's me? Do I let myself fall into this neverending cycle? Why wouldn't I change? Am I afraid of trying something new? In a way, I think the answer is a big resounding YES. When you trying to figure out who you are, you have not reached the point of being comfortable with yourself. As a result, you ended up being cautious with everyone and deliberately choosing the words that come out of your mouth for fear of letting everyone know who you truly are. Damn, I'm self-analyzing myself! No, wonder people hate it when you do it to them, huh?! :D


At 6:42 PM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

Oh Carpe diem. Carpe diem....

At 12:48 AM, Blogger savante said...

Spontaniety can be overrated, kid. I sometimes do the oddest things on impulse...


At 8:36 PM, Blogger Musang said...

at least you have a life. doing something new is good, as long as you aware that being a first timer, you might not be that good at it. like a virgin. LOL.

and don't over analyze yourself, you'll spoil the mood.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Ca va pas la tete: I've heard that phrase before but forgot what it means. *embarassed* Now, that I know...yeah, I definitely will. :D

Paul: I know what you mean. But, is there such a thing as calculated spontaneity???! LOL!

Musang: Damn, I know what you're trying to insinuate. So, what?! I AM a virgin!!!! LOL!!!

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Xavier said...

delicious pic... hehe more more!


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