Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Oscar Time !!

I planned to catch the live telecast of the 78th Annual Academy Awards on NTV7 yesterday morning but because I slept late the night before, I MISSED it. As a somewhat movie fanatic, I tried not to let myself get into situations where who had won will be revealed to me. So, I avoid talking about the award show to anyone, for the reason that some friends would totally like to ruin the surprise for me. Those bastards. ;p However, none of my friends talked or even gave a mention about the Academy Awards. I got the feeling my friends were clueless and not aware about the BIGGEST AWARD SHOW OF THE YEAR being aired live on local TV!!!!! I have got to find myself some new friends. And, to think they would gossip about the Academy Awards now seemed like it's never going to happen. Honestly though, I just couldn't wait to know who had won, I went and look at the result on the Internet. What a way of not wanting to ruin the surprise, huh?!!!!

So, there I was watching the repeat of the Oscars on NTV7. God, NTV7 has really, really, really butchered the show with their messy editing. It was like watching everything in a fast forward motion. I know they probably want to reduce the airtime. But, the way they had done it really screwed my viewing of the show. They even cut out the performances of the nominated songs. I didn't even get to see my Jake (That's Jake Gyllenhaal to you! Hehe!) presents an award. Everything related to Brokeback Mountain were also cut out. Luckily , I managed to get hold of the minute-by-minute happenings on MSN. Oh, you can check the full list of winners on the same website too.

Crash caused the biggest upset when it won the Best Picture award. I was rooting for Brokeback Mountain to win. *sigh* I was disappointed. I guess, I have to watch Crash to check for myself if it is really as good as they say. Ang Lee became the very first Asian to win the coveted Best Director award. That's something for sure. For an asian to win a very significant award in Hollywood is fantastic.

Fashion wise, everyone looked amazing. NTV7 did not air the part where celebrities, in their designer threads, walking on the red carpet during the repeat of the show. Damn!

"Pray to god, this dress has never been worn by other bitches!"

Awww, aren't they cute?!!!

My Jakey ;p
Courtesy of MSN


At 4:08 PM, Blogger savante said...

You slept?!?!


At 7:04 PM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

Crash is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! ;) I havent watch Brokeback yet!

At 2:33 AM, Blogger Wild Reeds said...

Hey cool blog. I loved Crash but would have been happier if Bbk mountain won. Anyways take care, cheers.

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Musang said...

hahaha...heath could never win the award with ennis del mar. he's mumbling all through the fucking brokeback mountain. had to rewind and increase the volume just to get the gist of what he was saying.

and darling... there's a queue to jake's bedroom and heart. i think you are hundreds something. currently, i'm holding number 167. muahaahhahahaha.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Paul: I pushed the snooze button to sleep just for a couple of minutes and the next thing you know, the show was nearly over. LOL!

Ca va: Crash is that good, huh?!! I dload it right away. :D

Wild Reeds: Thanks! *blushing*

Musang: Oh, you're a meanie! It doesn't hurt to dream, right?! LOL!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Rick Bettencourt said...

Jake looked good huh?
Bandit Talks


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