Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bad Days

Good god !! The past few weeks have been tiring. Doesn't it seems like everytime I'm posting an entry, a few weeks just flew by?!! It's bad, I know. It sure defeats the purpose of having a blog where you should post something everyday or at the very least, every few days. We're already in the middle of April. I'm SO glad I was not the target of any Aprilfool's pranks. When I was younger, I used to be the target of silly pranks. Though, it's funny how I could NOT recall any of them. Well, moments of embarassment should definitely be forgotten, right?!! Even if I do remember, I'm sure I would be much too hesitant to tell you. It'll show how gullible I can be sometimes. ;p

At the moment, I am exhausted from all the report writing assignments. In addition, I have to do presentations as well. It is the most excruciating hell you can put me in. Talking in front of people. The thing is I really want to do good. But, I just can't put my train of thoughts in line. Once I'm in front of people, my mind becomes blank. All the clever, witty opening lines I have thought of earlier goes down the drain. All the mental visualizations I did of me speaking confidently does not become a reality. Instead, I become a mumbling mess. Speaking at the speed of light, with a few grammatical errors here and there. Looking back, I think what I did say at that moment does not remotely make sense at all. LOL!

Due to all the exhaustion, stress and irregular sleep hours, I suffered major skin breakouts. It is so bad, I had to go to a dermatologist. How can people maintain clear healthy skin ALL THE TIME is beyond me. I don't have good genes perhaps. Even with the regular three steps of wash-tone-moisturise did not help much. Now, with a Roaccutane prescription, the breakouts are less frequent. I was told it will be at least three to four months before I can see visible result. Damn! I just hope, my skin condition will go back to what it was before, in time before I graduate. I absolutely don't want to look like a pizza-face when I go out to look for a job. You know what they say, first impression counts. Pizza-face would certainly NOT land me a good job.

Don't envy me, I have good genes!
Courtesy of Beautiful

I hope things would not get any worse than this.

UPDATE: Well, well. Seems like Wee Shiong and Musang each tagged me to do a meme. In Wee Shiong's case, he felt deprived since I'm not able to update regularly. I'll take that as a compliment. Hehe! I was to blame for asking Musang whether a recent post of his is a meme. He reasoned I should do it too. I'll try to post the memes next week, I hope. ;p


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Ganymede said...

You have to take Roaccutane? Yikes. Must be bad. My classmate has to take that too. He had been taking it for 3 years or so... There were improvements... Best of luck to you.

At 6:02 AM, Blogger savante said...

Finally an update!!


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Musang said...

i went to pizza-face phase like long time ago... and the scars are all over my face... need to do some cosmetic surgery laa...

*counting the coins*

not enough!


At 9:51 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Defiant: Thanks! Yeah, it's quite bad. Even my parents and relatives were concerned to see how bad it is.

Kyle: Hey Kyle! Tell me about it?!! Peeps were staring at me in college because I rub vaseline on my lips every fucking hour. LOL! And, I didn't know you can use vaseline for that!! ;p

Paul: Yeah! My face was itching like hell while I was typing this entry, you know. ;p

Musang: You know there's a lot of over-the-counter peeling treatment you can use to get rid of those scars. At least, you can lighten them. I'm planning to do just after my skin healed, if there's any scars. No need cosmetic surgery lah. :D

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Musang said...

hahahak. padan muka. sapa suruh tanya? i didn't even thought to make it as a meme.

and anyway, don't even try to tag me with any meme. i even hope that asm@di won't realize that i skipped his cruel-everyone-who-read tagging list.

*cross fingers*


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