Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Eye Opener

Back after 10 days of absence. Gosh, updating this blog on a timely basis sure needs a lot work. Not to mention, the amount of creative thinking involved. I mean, finding something to write about can be hard sometimes.

Handed in my assigment last week, just in time....barely. I don't know what has become of me. I talked to a friend, A about it. A told me procrastinating is normal when it comes to a student's life. EVERYBODY is doing it. In a way, I know that. It's just I thought it would be different. When I studied for my diploma in a dingy private college in Selangor, boy, do I mean dingy. The living accomodation was intolerable. I will leave it to your imagination, what more I had to deal with communal baths and toilets. Hehe ! I know what you guys are thinking. What made it tolerable though, was the group of friends I have. I don't know what happened to them now except for a few with whom I still keep in touch. Anyway, I'm straying out of topic here. Back to my point, I always study in the last minute for my exams. My rational is your memory would be fresh from absorbing all the information and you will be able to easily remember it. And you know what, I did quite okay in my exams.

Now, studying for my degree, that mode of study just doesn't cut it anymore. I have to deal with assignments, instead of the normal exams. More than half of the subjects in my syllabus are assignment-based. Not just report assignment, I have programming assignments as well. If you guys don't know it by now, I'm studying for a degree in Information Technology. I guess, what I want to say is, I realise, perhaps way too late, doing a degree involved a LOT of work. Duh !! I think I have to put it in writing so that I know I REALLY need to do something to get it together. I also thought the change of environment will do me good. I changed to another private college to do my degree. My perception of my current college is way off than what I originally expected. Physically, the place rocks compared to my old college. A big number of foreign students to mingle around with. Good facilities. Pretty chicks and cute guys, basically the place is polluted with beautiful people. Seriously, I'm hyperventilating everytime I steps into the vincinity of my college. HOT guys are everyway. From the looks of it, I thought the culture will be different. Sadly, it's not. They're still procrastinate and they are so laidback in their studies. The thing is, I want them to influence me to be better. Now, I'm influenced by them. I know it's naive. I just can't help it. It's the way I am.

There's still one semester left. I hope it's not too late to make the necessary changes. Till then, I'm praying AND working for the best.


At 12:06 AM, Blogger asm@di said...

darl, it's perfectly normal. what is a student life but a life of procrastination and getting D for college math (oops!) thank god i'm no longer a student.

At 12:20 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Asmadi: D for math ??! Me too. I fucking hate Math. I don't do well with numbers. Hehe !


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