Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Out of My Mind

After nearly two-month long break- semester break, Hari Raya Haji, Chinese New Year and some other holidays, all rolled into one - I managed to drag my cute ass down to college to register for the new semester. ;p The first class just started today. My brain has turned into mush. It has become so easy for my mind to wander off instead of concentrating on what the lecturers are teaching. Even with the new semester, I felt like I'm going through the same things all over again.

The same lecturers, the same cliques, the geeks (that's me !) sat in front of the class while the talkative ones sat at the back, the same venue where my classes are conducted, the whole thing. Sometimes, the cliques are even divided by race, malays with malays, chinese with chinese, you get the picture. Mind you, I'm not like that. I simply can't comprehend why some people would do that. For me, hanging out, studying or sitting together in a class with racially mixed people gives me the chance to improve my verbal skills. This is true when you have to speak in English. I guess, the most simple reason why they would want to seat with people of the same race is they want speak in their mother tongue. Another thing is, even though, there are empty seats in the front, they still choose to sit at the back. I mean, it's understandable that you would feel a bit hesitant because you wouldn't want the lecturer to direct his/her questions at you. But, come on ! It's so lame. If you don't know the answer, just tell the lecturer, you don't know. It's as simple as that. Even if you answered wrongly, it's okay because you tried. I would be a hypocrite if I said I've never done it before. At times, I would sit at the back when the lecturer just didn't do it for me in terms of teaching style. I have met some lecturers who have this innate ability to induce sleep on students. Teaching and speaking in only one tone of voice. Can you believe it ?! It is especially trying if you have a class after lunch where you have to go into study mode on a full tummy. Hehe ! What irked me the most, however, is lecturers who don't have an "above average" English competency. To teach, shouldn't you have an impeccable English ?! I don't mind lecturers who speak in Manglish. Please, we are Malaysian. We can make everything Malaysian. Hehe ! There's bound to be an occasional "lah" at the end of a sentence. In a way, lecturers can influence their students. How awful it would be if a lecturer can't even spell correctly. There's this one lecturer who has perfect English. When he speaks or while he's teaching, I found myself instantly perked up (right after with the "lecturer who induces sleep" class) and pay attention to what he's saying/teaching. See what perfect English can do for you. LOL !

This semester has one redeeming quality though, there are no techical subjects like programming. Hooray ! As I've told you before, I'm really not cut out to be a programmer. Almost all subjects for this semester will be theory-based. Naturally, with this kind of subjects, the assignments will be doing a couple of written reports which I like. Weird, huh ?!! However, as much as I'm happy about the lack of programming for this semester, I can't totally brush off programming. This is an IT degree after all. I have a final year project to think of, a compulsory requirement to get my degree. For this final-year project, I have to create a program/software which is my own. How tough is that ??! I got an idea on what to do as it was a suggestion given by my lecturer. She told me if I did well, I might get an A. I wish ! ;p

It's gonna take a while before I got into the hang of things.


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Derek said...

College life ... Sigh, how I miss it .. even with the sleep-inducing lecturers ... LOL

You seem like a cool guy. Have a feeling you would get along well with CF ;P

At 7:21 PM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

Ahmed, I love the backseats too... You know, you can google everything from behind!

At 6:09 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Moi ?! Cool ??! I tried really hard to be cool. A cool geek. LOL ! I admired your writing as much as I admired Paul's writing, Derek. So, to me, you're cool too.

I know exactly what you mean, ca va ! There's this cute Indonesian guy in my class. He's my junior, with a body to die for. He looks so good in jeans. He fills the jeans really nice, if you know what I mean. I feel so guilty right now. ;p

At 7:23 AM, Blogger canardbidon said...

oohh... those days of school... enjoy !!!

At 7:52 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Thanks, canard ! There are days where I just wanna rip my hair out. Other than that, it's great. ;p

At 12:37 AM, Blogger Musang said...

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At 12:39 AM, Blogger Musang said...

OMG... i am SOO in the group who sits at the back of classroom. both in university and in school. lol.

tell you what. other than passing chat notes among ourselves, we also manage to finish copying the next class tutorials assignments and pay a little attention to what the lecturer was saying.

multi-tasking if you ask me. hahahahk.

anyway, who else can get out of a boring class and drive to the nearest cineplex to watch movies at 2pm if not college students?

or maybe it was just me and my group.

enjoy your life babe.

At 1:19 AM, Blogger asm@di said...

there was this one lecturer when i was in uni that is so boring. my frens and i usually sneaked out halfway thru the class and watch a movie instead :D

and don't worry about not being a programmer and all that shit. my degree is in software engineering and im now a graphic designer. hows that for a well-used degree?

At 2:58 AM, Blogger savante said...

God, you guys are gonna hate me but I'm one of those who sits really near the front. Actually as close to the door as possible sometimes... and obviously really near to the board since I can't see that well.

Anyway, you're in college :O How young are you, ahmad!


At 11:42 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Musang: I can be too kiasu sometimes, so much so that I would feel bad if I missed class. But, my friends DO managed to coax me into skipping class and go watch a movie in OU. And, never in a million years would I know being naughty can be SO much fun. ;p

Asmadi: In a way, I know you're right. I'm focussing in finding a career in IT that doesn't involve programming. You know what they say about IT, right ?! It has become so ingrained in a variety of fields which I hope, enable me to find something that suit my lack of programming skills. :D

Paul: I can't see that well either but it doesn't make me wanna seat at the front especially if it's during boring lecturer's class. Unless, the lecturer is cute. ;p I'm 23 yo which is not that young lah and I have facial hair so I looked older than I am. Damn it ! Boyish face with facial hair. Cute or not ?! LOL !


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