Saturday, February 11, 2006

Blogger Exposed

Having broadband can certainly make surfing the Internet more enjoyable AND easier. If you absolutely love downloading MP3s (I'm a MP3 whore ;-p), movies or to put it bluntly P-O-R-N, there's nothing better than having a broadband connection for its fast speed. I heard if you have some extra moolah, then you should invest in a cable connection which has higher downloading and uploading speed compared to broadband. Ermm, do we have cable connection in Malaysia ? *scratches head*

Of course, I have properly acquainted myself to Mr. Broadband. We have spent countless sleepless nights together doing the unmentionables. Hehe ! Had it not been for Mr. Broadband, I will never have the chance to satisfy my cravings for American TV shows. Hence, the address of my blog. Which beg the question, is there a ManTV or GuyTV out there in the blogging world ?? Oh man, I think that's the lamest joke I had come up with.

A blogger friend of mine has just got his broadband. Congrats to you, Kitjar. He, who in a way, resembles me, physically (from being overweight to our now slimmed-down selfs) and emotionally (our attraction toward the same sex). Though, we definitely don't have the same interests, right ?!!! Being the good friend that I'm trying to be, I offered my assistance to help him in getting acquainted with Mr. Broadband. Particularly, on how to download "stuffs". After a couple of email exchanges, I'm glad to report he managed to download one. Yup, you read right. One. Fret not, it'll take time, before long he'll be able to start a collection. ;-p

This evening, I got to put a face and a voice to Kitjar. We chatted via Yahoo Messenger and exchange pics of ourselves. Then, on his insistence, we spoke on the phone for quite a bit. I can't believed how nervous I was. As with most Malays, my verbal skills still left a lot to be desired. Furthermore, I've not had the opportunity to study overseas to be able to speak flawlessly. It would be nice to sound like you've been overseas, I think. How the words flow out of you like water. Mind you, not the pretend, posh kind. But, the one resulted with you being overseas for long periods of time by immersing yourself in their foreign culture. I'm excited at the prospect of wondering whether my sister will have the lilting Irish accent. Haha ! Fortunately, I am better at expressing my thoughts in writing. Thinking back, I laughed at myself for speaking or rather stuttering really bad broken English. He sounded nice. Judging by his pic, I thought he looks great, but he still feels he's FAT. Then, he hollered back at me, "Gile ke, u ni ?!!". ROTFL !! No, you're not FAT, Kitjar. He was quite surprised to know that he's the first PLU person I got to know ON the basis of being a friend. I'm diminishing all the previous guys I've met before to oblivion because they're totally not worth it. They have only one thing on their minds. I'm sure you know what it is. I felt used. Cliched as it is, there's more than just sex.

I'm happy to have the chance to get to know you as a friend, Kitjar. We'll definitely have that drink at the mamak stall when the time comes. I wanna say this one more time, YOU ARE NOT FAT, Kitjar !! Gile ke, u ni. Hehe !


At 9:43 AM, Blogger Musang said...


well, add me to your PLU friend list, and we might sometimes hang out together.

kalau you tak malu to be seen with a fat and ugly guy like me.


At 12:02 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Musang: Sure, it'll be my pleasure. Send me your email addie so I can add you on my YM list. Maybe, we can chat sometimes. Malu, huh ?! Nah, I'm still fat and ugly too. LOL !!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger savante said...

Gemuk tak apa lah! Whta's the problem.


At 9:35 AM, Blogger Musang said...

drop me a msg ok.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Derek said...

Hi there

Don't feel bad just coz you can't speak fluently or with an accent. The most important thing is for you to be yourself. We're not going to hate you for not speaking like a Brit, dear.

Heh, introducing Kitjar to the internet world of porn eh? LOL


At 6:54 PM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

yeah, no accent but a crisp english is the best english. I know someone who spent many years in Aus and he tries to be an australian. Very turn off ler.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Musang: I was rejected when I tried to add you on my YM list. So, I sent a msg, did you get it ?!

Hey Derek ! I don't feel bad. It's just that I'm frustrated most of the time. When I speak, the sentences I thought of in my head took time to get out of my mouth. And when they do, it came out wrong. ROTFL !

Yeah, putting on accents is definitely a turn off, ca va. But, it's kinda hard to differentiate the fake and vice-versa, dontcha think ?! I've brushed of some people because I thought they putting on accents when in fact, they REALLY speak that way. ;-p


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