Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love is All Around

I spent the Valentine's Day hanging out with my friends at One Utama. We arrived there at 6pm after having a light meal at Ikano. Both of them are not from around here and I think they have girlfriends back home. So, we just took to the mall, checking out stuffs. Then, it dawned on me that the mall will be swamped with couples. I was right. There they were, holding hands, girls with a bouquet of flowers on their hands or a red/pink heart-shaped balloon tied to cute little soft toy in the form of a teddy bear, leisurely walking around with their other half. Boy, they did come out in droves. They were everywhere. Everywhere I turned, they there are, speaking sweet-nothings to each other and smiled their happy smiles. It seemed they were just contend to walk around the mall window shopping. Other couples were queueing up, making a line, waiting to be seated into the restaurants of their choice with the desire to have a romantic dinner. I told my friends to be prepared to see so many lovey-dovey couples at the mall and they too were surprised by the sudden influx of them. I couldn't help but feel a bit out of place.

Three guys "lepaking" around the mall, dateless during V-Day ?!! Well, it's only me whose dateless and single and lonely and enormously shy........got carried away there. I think we made quite a threesome. Walking the grounds of the mall like it' s ours. Anyway, my friends can't do anything since distance is separating them and their girlfriends. I get the feeling their girlfriends are not the kind of girls who like to make a big deal about V-Day where they're expected to be wine and dine like queens, lavished with gifts and flowers. But, I'm sure my friends have something up their sleeves though I don't know what they're gonna do.

To all those who have found their other half, good for ya. And those who don't, don't despair, LOVE may just be around the corner. *crosses fingers* So corny ! ;-p

Love the jawline and those sexy lips.
Courtesy of BoyBox

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone !!!


At 3:30 AM, Blogger savante said...

I need to find a boyfriend!


At 3:31 AM, Blogger savante said...

I need to find a boyfriend!


At 4:12 AM, Blogger Mr RM said...

me too.... i need my significant other too.... i hope i am moving in the right direction..... hee hee

oh yeah, thanks for ur earlier posting na....

At 5:32 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Paul, a doctor like you ?! It shouldn't be that hard to find one. And don't say that "I'm hideously homely" excuse. Hehe !

You definitely in the right direction, Kitjar. Jaruwan will be pleased to see you in Penang. The act itself says so much, dontcha think ?! :D

At 2:21 AM, Blogger Musang said...

oh god...

i really hate val's day without a date.

going to get one soon. hopefully. and then i'll show him off.


At 1:31 AM, Blogger asm@di said...

spent v-day in yoga class. how's that for a romantic v-day? org lain having candlelight dinner, aku terkangkang2 buat yoga poses.

i wonder when will i get to spent v-day with a bf instead of alone...

At 7:20 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Soon ?! Someone has finally caught your eyes, huh ?! Who's the lucky guy, musang ?

Hehe ! Takpe, biar terkangkang2. LOL ! Practice to be limber now, so you'll have the necessary know-how when you have a bf. ;p


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