Sunday, February 05, 2006

My take on Juara Lagu 2006

Just watched the LIVE telecast of the 20th Anugerah Juara Lagu 2006 (20th Songs Award 2006), a competition for the songwriters, composers and lyricists, for the uninitiated. It made me looked back at how my taste in music has evolved. The theme for the award show this year is "Evolusi Muzik Berterusan" which means the evolution of music never ends. How fitting ! This year's nominees is a mixed bag of old and new artistes. They will compete for the prize money of RM 20,000 and the title of Juara Lagu 2006 (something like song of the year award). I was rooting for Jaclyn Victor actually, our first Malaysian Idol winner. As expected, she turned in one of the best performances. Although, I hate to admit it, Mawi did give a commendable performance. I could see why the whole of Malaysia would go crazy for him. I'm not one of them, however. Here are the list of winners:

Category Ballad: Gemilang, Jaclyn Victor
Category Pop Rock: Kata, Hazami
Category Ethnic : Aduh Saliha, Mawi
Best Performance: Aduh Saliha, Mawi
Best Vocal: Kata, Hazami
Song of the Year: Gemilang, Jaclyn Victor

I was really surprised when Hazami was announced the winner of best vocal for the night. He performed with a choir and a number of back-up singers. It was redundant to say the least. I thought Jaclyn Victor was a shoo-in for the award. Literally, she blew me away with her powerful vocals. Guess, that was not what the judges are looking for. Mawi, on the other hand, was expected to win best performance award due to the sms votes sent in by his MASSIVE fan base. He did. I have to say I was quite disappointed with Ning Baizura's performance. Her performance was bare with no back-up dancers or gimmicks whatsoever. I think she wanted the audience to pay attention the song and not be distracted. Although, I felt she was trying too hard. Usually, she's very capable of singing live but somehow she came up short tonight. Adam's Tak Tahu performance was just plain boring. I don't see why there's a need for another copy of Yusry KRU. Overall, I enjoyed the show. The rapport and the clever, witty jokes between the hosts left me in stitches. Cheryl Samad is so CUTE.


At 9:51 AM, Blogger Cytusm said...

I am Ning Baizura's fan. I was pretty upset and disappointed with her performance that night. She appeared to have lost her high pitch voice, probably degenerated vocal cords. Awan Terpilu is a very nice song, but was spoilt by her. Her singing was pitchy and her costume was unimpressive. No wonder she didn't win any award.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger akihisa said...

Cytum: Hi there. Finally !! Someone, who's on the same page as me. I was concerned about her high pitch voice too. The last time I heard her sang that song, she wasn't straining that much to reach those high notes. And she looked like she was in pain with all those veins popping out. Hehe ! I guess, people would say she was feeling the song. But, there's no denying that she really gave it her all. Her performance nearly brought tears to my eyes. :D


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