Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lonesome Fool

Isn't it bad I just spent the whole of today by being a freakin couch potato?!!! Add to that, I've been so outta touch with my friends, none of them even call me to say hi. Does that make me a bad friend?! I know that sometimes we are the ones who have to take the first step. But, I've started to feel so lonely.


I watched Casino Royale last Sunday at Cineleisure, Mutiara Damansara and you better believe me when I say it is the best Bond movie ever, compared to the last two or three 007 movies which have become so generic, you would only watch them for the cool gadgets and more or less, the Bond girls. Heheh!

*Minor spoiler*

I remembered thinking during the one of the opening scenes when he chases after this guy, climbing and jumping over a tall building (kinda like Madonna's Jump video. Way cool!) and engages in a VERY rough hand-to-hand combat, "Whoa!! If Pierce Brosnan were to continue being James Bond, sure he pancit punya!!" LOL!!! Plus, I'm sure he would need the use of a stunt-double, which would then ruin the whole believability/authenticity factor when performing those action scenes. I was totally in awe throughout the movie as I could see that Daniel "Blue-Eyes" Craig did all those stunts himself. Oh, one more thing, there's this one scene, kinda like what Halle Berry and Ursula Andress did where they emerged out of the sea in their two-piece bikinis after taking a swim. Instead, this time around, it is Bond himself who did that in an oh-so-sexy baby blue boy brief. Totally orgasmic, I tell ya!!!!

*End spoiler*

Now, I'm off.

*fall back into couch potato mode*

*munches on some leftover Raya cookies*



At 11:02 AM, Blogger Musang said...

there's nothing wrong being a couch potato!!

i'm happy!

*continue abusing the astro for the rest of the day*

At 3:45 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Musang: Yay, ada geng-lah!!!! LOL!!


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