Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Let Loose

I have been looking high and low for a computer table in the past few weeks. I didn't know finding one was that hard. Whew ! I have looked at all kinds of models but none of them tickle my fancy. Well, I am willing to admit that I can be very fussy sometimes. Me, shopping for clothes ?! That's a WHOLE other story, if you get what I mean. ;-p.

Finally found one that can hold my computer and all the peripherals I have. Not to mention, a table that accomodate the setup I had in mind. Man, the time it took me to put together the table was ridiculous. I spent nearly three hours. Then, another one hour just to move and arrange my computer to the new table the way I like it. This DIY stuffs can really test one's patience. All the while I was building it, my dad kept interrupting me with questions every five minutes like "Are you sure that's correct ?" or "Did you tighten the screws ?", watching over me like I didn't know what I was doing. After what seems like eternity, I told my dad in a gentle way but sarcastically, "Why don't you come and help me instead of telling me what I'm doing wrong ?!". Of course, he shut up and helped me. Still, I ended up doing most of the work. My dad is not like other "normal" dads who like to do stuff around the house. He prefers to delve into the spiritual mumbo jumbo, our inner self, our subconscious, that kinda thing and reads a lot about it. He talks a lot about it too which I don't comprehend AT ALL. I guess, everyone has their own eccentricities.

My, my ! What a big "tool" you have ?! ;-p
Courtesy of

I know a man who's quite handy with tools is a possible trait everyone deems to be attractive, to say the least. I totally agree with that notion. I always thought I'm quite handy myself. *smirk*. In fact, I'm the go-to guy in the family when there's something needs to be assembled or re-assembled. Besides, I'm the only (and the eldest) son in the family. Who else are they gonna ask to do stuff around the house ?! My dad ? LOL ! Only God knows what would happened if my parents finds out their only son fancies cute guys. Surely, I'm expected to do the heavy lifting, wash the family car, being the chauffeur and so much more. Being the only son is DAMN hard. You have this insane expectations placed upon you. I don't know whether I can fulfill them. Furthermore, I'm not the smart one in the family. My sister is. Isn't it ironic how the younger siblings are almost always the smart one ???! My sister is doing well overseas, studying to be a doctor. Knowing my sister all too well, she deserved it. You wouldn't believe how meticulous she is when she is studying for exams.

Isn't it bad to be jealous of my sister ? I mean, she has a great future ahead of her. What do I have ? Studying IT, only to realized I sucked at it. At the moment, I barely got by and I don't know what the future holds for me. I didn't put much thought when I chose to study IT. I totally regret that decision. "Life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never know what you gonna get". Like the saying goes, all I can do is prepare myself. It will be up to me to make do with what I've been given, regardless of what happened in the past. It definitely gonna be one hell of a ride. Can I make it ???

p/s: This whole post is obviously me trying to release some pent-up emotions. Don't mind me !! Hehe !


At 9:18 AM, Blogger canardbidon said...

pent up emotions?
i'm pent up with other stuff just looking at that guy you've got up there...


At 3:34 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Canardbidon: Yeah, that too. Haven't been getting any lately. LOL !!

At 5:42 AM, Blogger savante said...

Studying to be a doctor doesn't mean anything! It means we were brainless idiots easily fooled by the hype! Pity us.

And you sexy hottie with the tools. Why didn't you tell us all about that earlier? Yum. Sexy.


At 6:20 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Paul: Fooled by hype ? Yes, maybe. But, brainless idiots ? Hell no !! I wouldn't want a brainless idiot to cure me of illnesses now, would I ?!!!! All I'm saying is studying to be a doctor means you have the pre-requisite intelligence to begin with.

Do you need some fixin', Paul ? I'll be glad to be of help. ;-p

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Mr RM said...

I need fixing too...... my life na...*smirk*.....Wanna help me too, hee hee!

It is NEVER being easy as the only soon, there are so much of expectations. I guess, I am NEVER up to my parents' standards, but I just do my best, that's all!

As long as I am happy, and my parents are half- happy, it is good enough.....

At 8:36 PM, Blogger ça va pas la tête said...

I am good with my tools.. *smirk*

At 6:32 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Kitjar: Standards ? God, my parents do have a set of standards for me. I'll be lucky if I can fulfill half of them. I guess, you're right. I have to find a way to make myself happy, FIRST then my parents. After all, shouldn't they feel happy if I'm happy. Do I make sense ? Hehe.

Ca va: *batting eyelashes* What kind of tools are you talking about ??! Oooh... ;-p


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