Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Clear Your Mind

I've always pride myself with having open-minded parents. Or so, I thought.

I know they will never be open-minded enough to hear about their son's inclination. I would likely keep that to myself.

But, what my mum said to me the other night really made me dumbfounded. My mum and I, ever since my sister went overseas to study, LOVE watching movie especially of the horror genre. In fact, we've seen it all. We can even predict what will happened next as we watch a horror movie. Funny, how some film makers always like to repeat and use cheap scare tactics which the audiences can predict from a mile away. Seriously, enough already, with the "suddenly-appearing-from-behind" and "ghosts-with-long-hair-covering-their-faces" tactics. And, don't get me started on how American film makers nowadays even copied some of the style from the now-popular Asian film makers of the horror genre.

With the son, *cough*cough* being the IT know-it-all guy of the household, he took it upon himself to "acquire" copies of movies from a reliable "source". Hehe! He will then transfer the movies onto a CD/DVD, so that his family can easily watch them on their 29-inch TV. Also, last year, he begged his daddy to buy a DVD player with DivX or XVid capability as most of the movies he acquired are encoded in that format. Ahh, movie-watching has never been so easy. However, the accquired movies are only of those which have been released on DVD-lah. Newer movies sure tak clear one! LOL!

Really save a LOT money than spending RM10 per person at the local cinemas, you know. However, we do, once in a while, go out to watch movies we collectively decide are worth seeing on the big screen.

Anyway, back to my story, my mum and I were watching two movies back-to-back last weekend.

1 - Abominable - really BAD B-grade movie. I didn't know why I got it in the first place. Full of cliches.
2 - From Dusk Till Dawn - just because it had George Clooney and I've read reviews where it has become a cult favourite among horror fans. Those reasons are enough to warrant the movie a watch.

After the movies, my mother made it known to the fact that she's uncomfortable with the display of nudity in the movies. Although, I do think she enjoyed the sheer absurdity of the first movie and the comedy-in-horror aspect of the second one.

Mum: Lets NOT watch that kind of movies again. Mak tak berapa suka-

Me: *roll eyes* Why??! Because of the nudity part, is it?? Alah, mak ni, the nudity specifically in those movies is just that. The display of nude bodies. Bukan-nye ape sangat. Most of them are just boobies shots. It's not like they were showing graphic sex scenes. Lagipun, in most horror movies, boobies display is kinda expected of the female leads. Ingatkan mak ni open-minded?!

Mum: Ye-lah, tapi mak tak suka. Boleh pollute your mind tau!!

Me: *dumbfounded* But,
mak!!! I'm already 24 yo.
My mind is already polluted when I was 17-lah, Mak. ;p

Looks like I have to boob-proof the movies first before watching them with my mum. Oh, but where's the fun in that?!!!!

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At 8:02 AM, Blogger aiskrem_potong said...

betul ke 17.... :P

At 8:41 AM, Blogger akihisa said...

Aiskrem_potong: I think so! Well, maybe two or three years younger than the said age. LOL!!

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Musang said...

"alah mak, i will never get aroused by those chicks flashing their boobs laa. i never like boobs."

i will say that if i were you. :)

and silently will add, "i'm focusing on the lead actor..."



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