Are You Yaris?
Being a just-out-college guy whose trying to find a suitable job (I'm still in a chill-out mode though as I wanna a give myself a thorough soul-searching exercise on what it is I really wanted to do as a career) which does not include the task he hated the most, programming. I know I can't avoid it totally since IT IS the degree qualification I'm having. I am always fascinated by stories of celebrities and what they did with their first big paycheck. Granted, I won't be able to get a big of a paycheck as theirs. But, all I want to point out is the feelings is all the same, right?! The immense feeling of being in control, freedom, a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that you have contributed something to world and get something in return and so on.
Even before securing a job, I'm already filled with excitement.Yet, a tad nervous too. Yes, no longer do I have to beg my parents for pocket money, the things I want to buy is entirely up to me and mmm..what else?! God, I can't think of any. Am I that shallow? Hehe! Equating money with fun. As they say, with money comes great responsibility, no?? I took the liberty to add my own twist to the saying. ;p
I know what to expect by having your own income. Bills, bills and more bills. That is, if your living on your own. That's why if my parents let me, I'm planning to stay with them even after I've started working. I know they like nothing better than that. To watch over me. LOL!! And you have various kinds of taxes, which I know nothing of at first. Luckily, my father has the sense to see how ignorant I am by giving me a reality check. He took me on various outings such as when we bought our first family car, the loan and the interest rates, paying for mortgages, "cukai tanah", "cukai pintu" and whole sort of things I never knew I eventually have to do.
Put all those things aside, I do know when I've started working, I'll be diligently saving up. Why do you ask? I want to buy my dream car. The car is so damn cun. Some might say it's girly but heck, I really like the spaciousness of an MPV car. Small yet compact. However, that's NOT how I like my man to be. ROTFL!!