Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Clear Your Mind

I've always pride myself with having open-minded parents. Or so, I thought.

I know they will never be open-minded enough to hear about their son's inclination. I would likely keep that to myself.

But, what my mum said to me the other night really made me dumbfounded. My mum and I, ever since my sister went overseas to study, LOVE watching movie especially of the horror genre. In fact, we've seen it all. We can even predict what will happened next as we watch a horror movie. Funny, how some film makers always like to repeat and use cheap scare tactics which the audiences can predict from a mile away. Seriously, enough already, with the "suddenly-appearing-from-behind" and "ghosts-with-long-hair-covering-their-faces" tactics. And, don't get me started on how American film makers nowadays even copied some of the style from the now-popular Asian film makers of the horror genre.

With the son, *cough*cough* being the IT know-it-all guy of the household, he took it upon himself to "acquire" copies of movies from a reliable "source". Hehe! He will then transfer the movies onto a CD/DVD, so that his family can easily watch them on their 29-inch TV. Also, last year, he begged his daddy to buy a DVD player with DivX or XVid capability as most of the movies he acquired are encoded in that format. Ahh, movie-watching has never been so easy. However, the accquired movies are only of those which have been released on DVD-lah. Newer movies sure tak clear one! LOL!

Really save a LOT money than spending RM10 per person at the local cinemas, you know. However, we do, once in a while, go out to watch movies we collectively decide are worth seeing on the big screen.

Anyway, back to my story, my mum and I were watching two movies back-to-back last weekend.

1 - Abominable - really BAD B-grade movie. I didn't know why I got it in the first place. Full of cliches.
2 - From Dusk Till Dawn - just because it had George Clooney and I've read reviews where it has become a cult favourite among horror fans. Those reasons are enough to warrant the movie a watch.

After the movies, my mother made it known to the fact that she's uncomfortable with the display of nudity in the movies. Although, I do think she enjoyed the sheer absurdity of the first movie and the comedy-in-horror aspect of the second one.

Mum: Lets NOT watch that kind of movies again. Mak tak berapa suka-

Me: *roll eyes* Why??! Because of the nudity part, is it?? Alah, mak ni, the nudity specifically in those movies is just that. The display of nude bodies. Bukan-nye ape sangat. Most of them are just boobies shots. It's not like they were showing graphic sex scenes. Lagipun, in most horror movies, boobies display is kinda expected of the female leads. Ingatkan mak ni open-minded?!

Mum: Ye-lah, tapi mak tak suka. Boleh pollute your mind tau!!

Me: *dumbfounded* But,
mak!!! I'm already 24 yo.
My mind is already polluted when I was 17-lah, Mak. ;p

Looks like I have to boob-proof the movies first before watching them with my mum. Oh, but where's the fun in that?!!!!

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lonesome Fool

Isn't it bad I just spent the whole of today by being a freakin couch potato?!!! Add to that, I've been so outta touch with my friends, none of them even call me to say hi. Does that make me a bad friend?! I know that sometimes we are the ones who have to take the first step. But, I've started to feel so lonely.


I watched Casino Royale last Sunday at Cineleisure, Mutiara Damansara and you better believe me when I say it is the best Bond movie ever, compared to the last two or three 007 movies which have become so generic, you would only watch them for the cool gadgets and more or less, the Bond girls. Heheh!

*Minor spoiler*

I remembered thinking during the one of the opening scenes when he chases after this guy, climbing and jumping over a tall building (kinda like Madonna's Jump video. Way cool!) and engages in a VERY rough hand-to-hand combat, "Whoa!! If Pierce Brosnan were to continue being James Bond, sure he pancit punya!!" LOL!!! Plus, I'm sure he would need the use of a stunt-double, which would then ruin the whole believability/authenticity factor when performing those action scenes. I was totally in awe throughout the movie as I could see that Daniel "Blue-Eyes" Craig did all those stunts himself. Oh, one more thing, there's this one scene, kinda like what Halle Berry and Ursula Andress did where they emerged out of the sea in their two-piece bikinis after taking a swim. Instead, this time around, it is Bond himself who did that in an oh-so-sexy baby blue boy brief. Totally orgasmic, I tell ya!!!!

*End spoiler*

Now, I'm off.

*fall back into couch potato mode*

*munches on some leftover Raya cookies*


Friday, November 17, 2006

Scary Sexy

I was flipping through the channels on Astro last night. Nothing interesting was on for me to watch despite my current predilection (My?! What a BIG word!). Heheh! I came across this half-an-hour feature presentation of James Bond's new movie, Casino Royale. If I'm not mistaken, it was on Channel [V]. Fans of the movie franchise caused quite an uproar over the casting of British-born Daniel Craig. Personally, I think people mostly reacted badly to the physical aspect of the casting. I mean, Daniel Craig is a blue-eyed blond (Yummy!!). However, with him being British, he is, in fact, closer to what Ian Fleming imagined Bond to be. Ooh, British accent is just so sexy, isn't it??!

*trying on a British accent*

"I'm Bond....James Bond!"

*fails miserably*

Errr, sorry about that. You know, I just have to do it. ;p

Anyway, what's interesting about the feature presentation, was the interview with Eva Green, a French actress, who I might add, gets the honour of being the first ever Bond-girl, Vesper Lynd. Well, Casino Royale is about Bond before he became 007. So, technically, she is the first Bond-girl, story-wise. She is also the one responsible for breaking James Bond's heart and made him into the womanising spy we all know and love. Ms. Green was full of praise for the new Bond, saying that he's a great snogger....with great acting talent, of course. LOL!! She just summed it up the best when she said Daniel Craig has the ability to be trashy, scary and sexy. Look below!

Kinda scary, right?! How his blond hair creates a stark contrast to his crystal clear blue eyes. But, strangely attractive, nonetheless.

Mamma mia! The Bond with the best physique EVER!

I would certainly want to be the one to fix his hair and his other staff too. *evil grin*

Hhmmm, just look at those legs!

Eva Green and Daniel Craig. Her beauty doesn't appeal to me that much. But, she does have that mysterious, sensuous quality to her.

Casino Royale is already currently showing on local cinemas. I definitely, wouldn't want to miss it. :)

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Anime Overload

*I've been thinking whether I should move my blog to the new beta version. Since the previous version can be a bit unpredictable sometimes, I decided, what the heck!! So now, I'm using the new beta version. I haven't got the chance to explore the new features yet. But, I will in time. Perhaps, I might even change my blog's layout. It's getting too boring for me. Hehe!*

On to my entry for today...

Ever since the launch of Animax on Astro, I can't stop myself from being totally overwhelmed by the genre that is anime. If I have the time, I would probably watch the damn channel 24/7. Oh wait, I DO have the time!!! I can't freakin believe it. This is coming from a kid who was exposed to Disney cartoons ever since he can walk on his two itty-bitty feet. I was a difficult child (I still am!), I can be very demanding if things are not done MY way. The only thing that my parents can do to shut me up was to put me in front of the tv and plays various VHS tapes of Disney cartoons. That would keep me occupied for hours on end. And my parents are free to do things around the house. This practice was later used on my younger sister as well. I remembered one evening when it is just me and my lil sister in front a TV watching Pluto trying to woo a bitch (I think it was a Dachshund) with a litter of puppies. He ended up giving her, his kennel and got a smooch from her for his kindness. He was so giddy with excitement, he didn't mind sitting in the rain while she and her pups got all warm and cosy in his kennel. Awww!! So cute!!!! At least, I think that's how the story went. Can't remember that much.

I'm not pro-anime. I mean, Disney does have its moment. The Beauty and The Beast was even nominated in the Best Picture category. However, in recent times, anime can kick Disney's, Pixar's or whatever, asses any time. Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited Away too won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. From the countless hours I've spent watching anime, I can safely say the creators of anime aren't afraid to tackle any subject. Boy, they are SERIOUSLY some complex anime stories out there. They even tackle the subject of homosexuality and heterosexuality in its various perverted forms. And my god, don't get me started how graphics those can get. My eyes and to a certain extent, my d*ck can't freakin believe it. LOL!!

But, what I love most about anime is (this is gonna be corny, I'm hopelessly a romantic after all!) how they managed to inject soooo much heart and sentimentalism into their characters and stories. Sometimes, the love stories they weaved aren't so clear cut in its resolve and forces you to ponder about it all. Believe me, when I tell ya, I did shed A TEAR OR TWO while watching 'em. Yeah, I'm a crybaby!!! ;p

Oh, Honey and Clover is on!! Gotta go!

*scrambles off and plunks self in front of the TV*


Friday, November 10, 2006


That's the situation I'm in at the moment. And the soul-searching exercise doesn't help much. But, out of the it, I do know where my interest lies. I've browsed various newspapers and online job sites. All those jobs requires at least some experience under the belt. I don't. This is when I regretted not doing the practical training, which is optional in my case, by the way. If I've done that, at least I have inkling what the work environment is all about. I wouldn't be as clueless as I am now.

F*ck me (not literally, though. ;p) with my devil-may-care attitude, thinking that I've got all the time in the world.

I've considered all my options. One thing I've discovered is that I can't totally avoid it. It, being the programming stuffs. Either, I buck up and improve my lousy programming skills or go completely in another direction ----> find a job in fields other than IT. Originally, the latter was what I intended to do. The experience thing got in the way. When I mentioned my predicament to friends and family, one of them would usually say you could always go look for jobs in sales and marketing. Hah! I wish! I don't know about you guys, but isn't all those horror stories ( 'horror' might be a tad too strong of a word to use, I think) comes from people who used to work in sales and marketing field?!!

Despite all these, I'm glad I have my ol' dad to count on. "Being practical" is his middle name. He would say "There's always something for you out there. You just have to find it. If you can't get the first-best, then go for the second-best and so on. When you're experienced enough, you can go look for the first-best!!" Besides, he'd done this employee recruitment thing at his office, so he knows what the employers are looking for in a job candidate during interview. Therefore, I have to tune up my "goreng" skills. Heheh!

How's that for a first-hand knowledge?!!!! LOL!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Renewed Enthusiasm

*looking at how long time has passed since I last updated this freakin blog*

*looking at the lack of entries in this freakin blog*



Malu sial!!!

My god! How do I justify myself?!!! I think my mistake was trying to blog BIG too fast too soon. Trying to come up with those long posts everytime I update my blog. Way too ambitious, I think. I mean, I'm sure as hell NOT a seasoned writer. I've let myself be bogged down by how uninspired I am at the lack of ideas on what to write on the blog. I think this is what you called a burnout. A blogger's burnout.

Given the title, I honestly hope I can maintain my enthusiam to the blogging scene this time around. Perhaps, I need to remember why I blog in the first place. That is making new friends, straight or otherwise. How can you stay in touch with friends you've made through blogging if you're not blogging yourself, right?!! I still have a long to go to figure who I am. I need to figure out on which team I bat for. Or is it, both?!! Hhmmm... My journey is far from over. ;p

So, I think I need to make a few rules and abide by them to maintain my renewed enthusiasm. There are:-

  1. No more long-entry posts unless I need to vent about something or ideas, words just flow out of me.
  2. Try to post an entry everyday regardless of the length of the entry.
  3. Try to post entries about stuffs I consider interesting or important no matter how trivial they are to others.
  4. Subtitute words with, videos or even mp3s of ANY kind if an instance of uninspiredness comes. LOL!!!
  5. Remind myself that I am not Paul, the person who inspired me to blog in the first place. Heheh!!!
  6. I'll add some more if something comes to mind....